Our professional facepainters can transform a class or an entire school, bringing this art alive within an educational context based on cultural traditions. The same artists that transform thousands of faces annually at events all around New York can transform your school event too! Programs include workshops to follow Christopher Agostino’s StoryFaces assembly programs; classroom demonstrations focusing on specific cultures (such as the Rainforest or Native Americans); presentations for art or theater students, makeup artists for school theatre productions and teams of artists for school special events, field days, carnivals, and class parties -- including a special program called Art On Your Face that turns students' faces into famous works of art for art shows and festivals.
1.) Visual Art 2.) Cultural Diversity 3.) Theater Instruction
Visual Arts (VA)
Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
In School
per Workshop
Rates start at $450 for two classes, $200 per add'l class. For larger events, rates determined by the number of arts and hours required; please contact us.