A Bubble, Comedy and Music Show: Reading Rocks! features wonderful classic and original children’s songs and tales. The show engages children with big giant bubbles, songs, comedy, dance, and loop station music technology. Join us for this novel performance which will be accompanied by visual and sensory experiences. Kids will dance, sing, laugh, use their imaginations and connect with new friends. The show is crafted to be inclusive for all children, including children on the Autism Spectrum, and a great time for parents and teachers!
Dance (DA), Media Arts (MA), Music (MU), Theatre (TH), Visual Arts (VA), Literature (LI), Virtual Programs
Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
In School
per Performance
Our day rate covers one large assembly or up to 4 smaller assemblies. Please speak with Director Matt Mazur at 973-493-2326 or TurtleDanceMusic@gmail.com