Ceramic Multicultural Design Exploration for Middle and High School

Organization Name
Phone: (914) 715-1915
Website: www.day-in-clay.com
Program Description
This is a potter’s wheel demonstration program/ interactive demonstration that addresses 3D design and creativity. Explore a working artists process and thinking in 3D media. Hands-on program.
Students respond to the informal question and answers that evolves as we create one of a kind pieces during the live demonstration. Student’s feedback in design will be encouraged.
Even if you are not going to college or enrolled in advanced placement in HS art or take it as a major it addresses the creative process which is now being valued highly by companies and various disciplines.
All aspects of design and how an artist thinks will be explored. The potter’s wheel is basically a tool to explore creativity and see a working artist’s process as it can relate to any median in this case clay. Large pieces will be created on the wheel.

• Going from a lump of clay to a finished work of art in 30 minutes
• Design exploration
• Career, art school and art majors and AP students questions and answers
• Demo addresses cultural diversity in design
• Hands-on experience with the artist's assistance - Students come up and have a hands-on ceramic experience
• Group team building collaborative experience and piece will be achieved with all participants
Full Description of Multicultural Potter’s Wheel https://drive.google.com/file/d/17fGevFDE9xyv0Ase9NaLH3SP07m1pxXG/view?usp=sharing
Multicultural Potters Wheel program https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Egs0VBzBNqNxyK0z0YL5vTag0yM8826y/view?usp=sharing
TV interview for Syosset School - https://vimeo.com/470326380
BOCES Showcase and summary - https://vimeo.com/516477274

Visual Arts (VA)

Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area

7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

In School

$1,600.00 per Wrkshp & Perfrm

subject to assembly or individual classes

Number of Performers

60 - 89 min minutes

Additional Resources

Program References
John Stella
Washington St. School, Washington St., Franklin Square, NY.

(516) 481-4100

Linda Mcelroy
Vice Principal
Searingtown Elem.,106 Beverly Dr., Albertson, NY. 11507

(516) 305-8500

Mark Gray
501 Seamen Ave., Baldwin, NY 11510

(516) 434-6600

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