Ahoy, mateys! In this 45-minute show filled with magic, puppets, and audience participation, Pirate Dave takes your students on a laughter-filled voyage in search of the treasure of good character. Along the way, your students discover the importance of making wise choices, and learn about values such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, kindness, caring and good citizenship.
“The audience was captivated the entire time. An engaging program, wonderful management of the audience (and) an effective way to teach valuable character traits.” Danielle Mollica Second Grade Teacher Bretton Woods Elementary School, Hauppauge, Long Island, NY
“Well beyond any (assembly program) we have had. Perfectly unique, customized…super engaging, interactive (and) funny for all ages – even teachers.” Taylor Cohen First Grade Teacher Parkview Elementary School, Stratford, NJ
1.) Character Education 2.) Theater Performance
Theatre (TH)
Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area
PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
In School
per Performance
First performance, up to 250 students-$1,045; each additional performance-$545