Through an engaging and interactive presentation, students learn how Native Americans of our region respected the natural world and used it to provide food, clothing and shelter. Students get a glimpse into how natural materials and human imagination transformed utilitarian objects into works of art. While this memorable program allows students to delve first-hand into Native American cultures, it also immerses students in Social Studies Practice from the NYS SS Framework, addressing grades 4 and 7 standards, yet is applicable to any grade interested in learning about Native Americans. Aligns with NYS Arts Anchor Standard 11 and specifically connects with Visual Arts Understanding and Essential Questions 2.3, 6.1, and 11.1. Included with each assembly: • Extensive moving museum which includes beadwork, quillwork, corn grinder, stone tools, clothing, wood carvings and masks • Traditional Stories • Interactive Woodlands song or dance
1.) Social Studies / History 2.) American Indian 3.) Visual Art 4.) American History