SUMMARY: Students will explore the science behind the toys they play with all the time, and some they may have never seen before. Balls and yo-yos are classic toys and always a lot of fun but also provide children with an opportunity to explore the science of motion. Students will also investigate some unique items, like vector toys and string things, which will help to illustrate the inventive nature of toy construction as well as scientific principles. They will build their very own Jacob’s ladder toys to take home.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE: The Science of Toys is an excellent introduction to both the scientific method as well as to highlight to students that science is around them all the time. Children observe and experience the science of some of their favorite toys and build their own toy to take home to continue the exploration process.
NOTE: Mad Science Programs are fun explorations into science and technology, and they encourage informal learning through hands-on experience. All Mad Science workshops include a lot of fascinating equipment, supplies, and take-home materials which the children build themselves. The Mad Science mission is to spark the imagination and curiosity of children everywhere by providing them with fun, entertaining, and educational activities which instill a clear understanding of what science really is, and how it affects the world around them.