SUMMARY: The activities and demonstrations in this class explore the phenomenon of optical illusions. Children will enjoy interactive demonstrations and hands-on activities.
A BRIEF SYNOPSIS: Students will be exposed to a wide variety of optical illusions like the "Camera Obscura", the mirror mirage and various other classic illusions. Periscopes will be introduced and after an instructional demonstration on the science and design behind the periscope, the children will construct their own to take home.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE: This class uses these engaging demonstrations and activities to introduce children to the concepts of refraction, the science of optics, and the biology associated with sight.
NOTE: Mad Science Programs are fun explorations into science and technology, and they encourage informal learning through hands-on experience. All Mad Science workshops include a lot of fascinating equipment, supplies, and take-home materials which the children build themselves. The Mad Science mission is to spark the imagination and curiosity of children everywhere by providing them with fun, entertaining, and educational activities which instill a clear understanding of what science really is, and how it affects the world around them.