SUMMARY: This class concentrates on how we perceive light and its effect on ob- jects. The concept of how colors are perceived in white light is presented using a hands-on tri-color experiment. Next, the nature of fluorescence and phosphorescence are unveiled in a black light demonstration. A discussion on the commercial applications of glow-in-the-dark products is followed by a challenge to find fluorescing materials among common objects. Chemiluminescence is demystified using a flashlight analogy. The students take part in a role-playing game that provides them with an understanding of the security features used in making real money.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE: This class introduces children to the luminescent properties of natural and synthetic materials. These concepts will be presented through a hands-on exploration of household objects, paper products, and earth minerals. The children will be given a brief history of fluorescence fol- lowed by a demonstration of chemiluminescence, the chemical aspect of luminescence. This program wraps up with a thought-provoking dis- cussion and an activity on the applications of the science of light.