SUMMARY: Detective Science will give the students a chance to step into the role of a Mad Science Detective. Through hands-on activities children will learn how science plays a central role in solving crimes. They will explore the various methods employed by forensic scientists to help solve crimes, including fingerprint analysis, examination of dental records, and even investigate written materials. They will take home an identification kit where they can record their fingerprints and other vital information.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE: Detective Science is an excellent introduction to the use of science in police and detective work. Students will learn about the skills that scientists and detectives share when doing their jobs. Observation, analysis, asking questions, detailed diagrams, even conducing chemical experiments are all skills shared by these two professions.
NOTE: Mad Science Programs are fun explorations into science and technology, and they encourage informal learning through hands-on experience. All Mad Science workshops include a lot of fascinating equipment, supplies, and take-home materials which the children build themselves. The Mad Science mission is to spark the imagination and curiosity of children everywhere by providing them with fun, entertaining, and educational activities which instill a clear understanding of what science really is, and how it affects the world around them.