Crayola Imagine Arts Academy presents "art with a purpose".
SUMMARY: Dada artist Hannah Höch used all kinds of photos to create collages and to show her thoughts on German society at the time. She used her art to humorously and critically express her ideas about women’s roles, the impacts of war, politics, and the development of technology. In this class, kids will learn about Hannah Höch’s photomontages and her influences. Then, they will create their own photomontages to express their ideas about the relationships between nature and industry.
EDUCATIONAL VALUE: This class introduces the children to the art of Hannah Höch, one of the originators of photomontage. The children learn about the technique of cutting and pasting different images together to communicate a new idea. They will learn about the development of the Dada Movement, and the influences of Hannah Höch’s photomontage art. The children develop their planning skills and learn collage-making techniques using mixed media. By recombining and juxtaposing words and images, they explore and present the relationships between nature and industry from a Dada perspective.