The Mystery of the Character Surprise is an engaging 45-minute program that shows students how making good choices will help guide them to what they want. They'll learn about character-building Life skills that will bring them lots of benefits - both inside and outside of school.
Students will also learn how to stop bullies in their tracks. And they'll have a blast while doing it! Topics covered throughout this bully-proofing magic assembly show include: Being responsible in achieving goals, helping others, and facing bullies. Plus: Forms of bullying, solutions for victims, responsibilities of witnesses, tattling vs. telling. Includes: Courage | Flexibility | Perseverance | Effort | Making Good Choices | Bullies, Targets & Bystanders | Sense of Humor | Responsibility | Caring For Others | Honesty | Teamwork | Tattling vs. Telling
This is a pre-recorded Mystery of the Character Surprise school assembly delivered via YouTube.
1.) Anti-Bullying 2.) Conflict Resolution 3.) Character Education 4.) Team Building