Once Upon a Toon is a unique hybrid of storytelling with live cartoon illustration. Multi-Emmy Award-winning cartoonist Joe Wos draws the stories as he tells them, in a lively and engaging program for all ages.
Pulling from original stories and folktales with a twist, this live show is like watching a picture book being drawn before your very eyes. Each presentation includes: a short guessing game, a how to example, and two illustrated stories. Yielding between 15-20 drawings at each and every show. Best of all, the illustrations stay with your school and may be displayed, auctioned or even photocopied to share with students.
Popular illustrated tales include Joe’s original pun-filled adventure “Don on the Farm” about a duck who longs to be a rooster, and with some help from his friends they all help each other achieve their dreams! Joe also puts his unique spin on such classics; The Crowded House, How Turtle Flew South, How Elephant got his Trunk and many more.