Like Spanish flamenco dancers did in the Middle Ages, students move their bodies in fun, new ways to create triumph over any troubles. Miss Coco Flamenco’s fabulously funny flair for character education will have your students stomping out bullying, clapping away bad days, stepping into self-confidence, grabbing their goals, and sharing each other’s awesomeness. Sharing SEL Strategies Through Body Movement Social Awareness >> Stomping out bullying – Footwork (Taconeo) Responsible Decision-Making >> Clapping away bad days – Rhythmic clapping (Palmas) Self-Awareness >> Stepping into self-confidence – Posture and walking (La postura de la bailaora y del matador; Marcando) Self-Management >> Grabbing their goals – Strong and graceful arm movements (Llamada) Relationship Skills >> Sharing each other’s awesomeness – “Put It All Together” mini-dance sequence (Full llamada)