In Trekking Mexico, students take a deep dive into folk traditions, both ancient and contemporary. This colorful educational show takes you on a Mexican expedition of historic and geographic regions through folkloric music and dance. From feeling the rumbling drums of Tenochtitlan to the sweet sounds of the stringed Jaranas of Veracruz, audiences are transported to the jungles of Tabasco and trek the mountains of Guerrero. This multimedia show will whisk you away on a joyful ride through this culturally rich republic. Recommended for grades 2-6 May 15- 10:30am
1.) Social Studies / History 2.) Dance Performance 3.) Music Performance 4.) Hispanic Heritage
Dance (DA), Music (MU), Visual Arts (VA)
Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Out of School
per Performance
$12 per student. Chaperone tickets complimentary (1 chaperone for every 15 students)