This whimsical musical follows two great friends—the cheerful, popular Frog and the curmudgeonly Toad—through four, fun-filled seasons, meeting new friends like Man Bird and Lady Bird; Father, Mother and Young Frog; Turtle; Squirrel and many more along the way. Waking from hibernation in the Spring, Frog and Toad plant gardens, swim, rake leaves, go sledding, and learn life lessons along the way. The two best friends celebrate and rejoice in their differences that make them unique and special. Part vaudeville, part make believe, all charm, A Year With Frog And Toad tells the story of a friendship that endures, weathering all seasons. Produced by Wishing Star Productions, LLC Based on the books written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel Recommended for grades K-3 March 3- 10:30am
1.) Theater Performance 2.) Storyteller 3.) English Language Arts (ELA) 4.) Character Education
Dance (DA), Music (MU), Theatre (TH)
Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area
K, 1, 2, 3
Out of School
per Performance
$12 per student. Chaperone tickets complimentary (1 chaperone for every 15 students)