Assemble with your fellow students and journey to the most unusual of universities, where the mysterious Professor Bamburg will guide you through this interactive theater experience. The choices you, the audience, make will shape your unique course! Choose your subjects of study and enter themed rooms (such as Math, Space and Art!). You will interact with the liveliest of lecturers and encounter all kinds of problems and puzzles, unlocking your magical powers as you go. Recommended for grades 2-6 Produced by Cahoots NI from Belfast, Northern Ireland. January 24, 2024 10:30am performance
1.) STEM / STEAM 2.) Visual Art 3.) Math 4.) Science
Media Arts (MA), Visual Arts (VA)
Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Out of School
per Performance
$12 per student. Chaperone tickets complimentary (1 chaperone for every 15 students)