Exhibition-Based Fieldtrips - Residency

Organization Name
Phone: (516) 463-4975
Website: www. hofstra.edu/museum
Program Description
During a 45 to 90 minute guided Musuem visit, students view original works of art from the Museum's diverse collection/current exhibitions/sculpture garden. Following an inquiry-based approach to discussion, students engage in hands-on art activity. All sessions address the NY State Standards and can be adapted to meet participant needs. The program takes place in our intimate gallery space and aims to foster the development of critical thinking skills.

Arts Advenure (Grades PK-2) Bring art to life by helping young people learn how to “read” selected works in the gallery. Focusing on story and narrative in works on view, students will strengthen their vocabulary, and observational and interpretive skills while having fun.

Art Explorers (Grades 3-5) Students investigate what art can tell us about the people, lifestyles, and beliefs of various times and cultures as they sharpen their observational, communicative and critical thinking skills.

ART SPEAKS (Grades 6-12) Students engage in interdisciplinary thinking and collaborative learning to discover the richness and diversity of the human experience through works of art. Examining imagery, materials and techniques, students explore how artists and cultures use visual language to express their world.
1.) Common Core
2.) Visual Art
3.) Literacy
4.) Social Studies / History

Visual Arts (VA)

Exploratory Enrichment Subject Area

PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Out of School

$10.00 per Residency

$10 per student; teachers and chaperones are free.

Number of Performers

90 - 119 min minutes

Additional Resources

Program References
Joseph LaMacchia
Longwood High School, 100 Longwood Rd., Middle Island, NY

(631) 345-9200

Melissa Lamoureux
South Side High School, 140 Shepherd Street, Rockville Centre, NY 11570

(516) 255-8947

Akiko Hanratty
California Avenue Elementary School, 236 California Ave., Uniondale, NY 11553

(516) 918-1851

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