Theatre Three Productions, Inc. Evaluations
Underlined program titles link to the program details page.
 Date Score  Evaluator
 3/7/2024 5  Michael Rodgers, Director of Music, Arts-In-Ed Coordinator
 4/2/2024 5  Christina Kassap, AIM Rep
 4/9/2024 5  Katelyn Dunn, Principal
 4/15/2024 5  Andrew Frey-Gould, Director of Media, Fine and Performing Arts
 5/7/2024 5  Kelly Nixon, Director of Music & Art
 5/20/2024 5  Christopher Hale, Coordinator of Fine and Performing Arts
 6/13/2024 5  Christopher Hale, Coordinator of Fine and Performing Arts

 Date Score  Evaluator
 11/13/2023 5  Felissa Allard, VP Arts in ED

 Date Score  Evaluator
 2/1/2024 5  Alexis Ainscough, PTA VP, Arts in Motion

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