School's Evaluation of the Program

Contract Summary
 Contract: 23-24-1048
 Artist: Commerce Plaza
 Program: Commerce Plaza
 Art Form: Exploratory Enrichment
 Grades: 5
 Program Dates: 1/9, 1/10, 1/11

Evaluation Summary
 Evaluator: Melissa Abbate, Teacher
 Grades: 5
 Dates: 1/9/2024
 Submitted: 1/24/2024 8:53:56 PM

Rating System: 1-5 points: 1=poor; 2=fair; 3=good; 4=very good; 5=outstanding

Artistic Quality of Presentation
Artist demonstrated skill and dedication to their art; repertoire was appropriate and well-chosen for students' age and interest levels; art form was presented in an enjoyable, artistic manner.
Artist's Interaction with Students
Artist effectively engaged students in the program; artist listened to student comments/questions and responded appropriately.
Educational Quality of Presentation
Artist helped students to understand this art form and the creative process; artist demonstrated relationships between art form and other curriculum areas; artists helped children to see/hear with greater discrimination; artist used vocabulary terms that were within the grasp of students.
Student Response to Presentation
Artist engaged students' interest and attention; applause and laughter was genuine and enthusiatic; restlessness was minimal; when invited to participate, students were eager; questions to artists indicated that students understood the presentation.
Quality of Presentation
Speakers could be easily heard; performers could be seen; lighting, props and sound effects were effective; costumes were imaginative, colorful and appropriate; elements of surprise and humor were included in presentation; program was well-paced; program began and ended on time.
Study Guides/Support Materials
Please enter your comments below regarding: a) whether or not materials were provided to schools before the performance; b) whether or not these were provided in a timely manner; c) whether or not they were useful to teachers in preparing the students
Would you recommend this program to other school districts?
The program is fabulous! The materials are organized and the staff are easy to work with and wonderful with the students.It is a very valuable experience for all.
Suggestions to artists for improvement:
Please include any additional comments you care to make.
We weren't able to do some of the closing activities we had done in the past, possibly because of time? Those were very beneficial such as the award for the largest donation and the reports from each of the businesses. The staff is all excellent but this day there was one in particular that was not as easy going or understanding of some of our students with different learning needs.

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