- Complete Evaluations Using Evaluation Password
Anyone who saw the program can complete an On-Line Evaluation Form if he/she is provided with the correct contract number and your district Evaluation Password.
NOTE: Unlike the District password used to log-in which should NOT be shared, the Evaluation password should be given to anyone who evaluates programs.
- Complete Evaluations Using Printed Forms
You may provide printed blank evaluation forms for each contract and distribute copies to school personnel and/or parents for completion.
However, information contained on hard copies must be entered on-line and submitted after you have approved them.
BOCES cannot accept hard copies of evaluations.
- Complete Evaluations by Using E-mail Links
The e-mail reminder from BOCES contains a link which connects directly to an evaluation form for a specific contract.
Your recipient can click on this link and complete the on-line evaluation.
Above the evaluation on the website, the administrator must verify that the
artist's serviceshave been provided to the school and ensure that the
evaluation process is complete in his/her district. The artist
will not be paid until these functions are performed by the
- Approve & Submit Evaluations Using E-mail Reminder
No evaluations are received at BOCES until they have been reviewed and approved by you, the administrator. You can do this in either of two ways:
Click on the link in the e-mail reminder. On the following page
please verify artists' services have been provided to the school. If
you indicate services had been provided, this will take you directly to the evaluation that has been submitted to you and is waiting for your approval.
Review the ratings and comments to make certain that they are complete, fair and accurate, since this information will now be accessible to the general public on the website.
If you wish to edit the evaluation, click "Modify," make your changes, then click "Approve."
NOTE: If you have not verified that the service has been performed before this point,
you will need to enter your name before you can approve the evaluation. By entering your name and
approving the evaluation you are also agreeing that the service has been performed at your school.
If you have already filled out the field stating the service has been performed, your name will
be pre-populated in the field at the bottom of the evaluation.
If you do not wish to approve this evaluation, click "Decline" or "Delete."
Keep in mind that you must approve at least one evaluations before the artist can be paid.
Log out.
- Approve & Submit Evaluations from District Profile via Arts In Education Homepage
At any time, you may log on to your secure district AIE profile
from the Nassau BOCES Arts in Education homepage:
Click on "Log-Ins," then "District." When the "District Log-In" page appears, enter your District User ID and district password.
NOTE: We STRONGLY recommend that you do NOT share your district password with others.
Click "Contracted Programs," then click on the appropriate contract number.
At the bottom of the page, click "Evaluations." On the
following page please verify artists' services have been provided to
the school. If you indicate services had been provided,
this will take you directly to the evaluation that has been
submitted to you and is waiting for your approval. Review the ratings and comments to make certain that they are complete, fair and accurate, since this information will now be accessible to the general public on the website.
If you wish to edit the evaluation, click "Modify," make your changes, then click "Approve."
NOTE: If you have not verified that the service has been performed before this point,
you will need to enter your name before you can approve the evaluation. By entering your name and
approving the evaluation you are also agreeing that the service has been performed at your school.
If you have already filled out the field stating the service has been performed, your name will
be pre-populated in the field at the bottom of the evaluation.
If you do not wish to approve this evaluation, click "Decline"
or "Delete." Keep in mind that you must approve one evaluation before the artist can be paid.
Log out.
- Review Artists' Evaluations of Your School
Artists will be submitting feedback about their experience in your school as well, however this information is NOT available on the public website.
To access the artist's response, you must log on to your secure district AIE profile from the Nassau BOCES Arts in Education homepage.
Click on "Log-Ins," then "District." When the "District Log-In" page appears enter your District User ID and district password.
We STRONGLY recommend that you do not share your district password with others.
Click "Contracted Programs," then click on the appropriate contract number.
At the bottom of the page, click "Evaluations." The artist's evaluation of their experience in your school will appear.
Again, this information is available only to you, the district administrator.
NOTE: Evaluations of Visiting Artists' programs will be available on-line for everyone to review.
*****NOTE****: It is extremely important that you check your e-mail EACH DAY and process Requests and Evaluations immediately.
If you will be away from your office, PLEASE ask your assistant to assume these responsibilities on a daily basis.